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Monster Man

Dec 23, 2021

Patreon backer Dav brings you this special episode all about a headless apparition from Irish ghost stories!

If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!

Order your physical copy of Lion Rampant:...

Dec 20, 2021

Season's greetings from all of us here at Monster Man! Please enjoy me getting persnickety about section content and organisation.

If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!

Order your physical...

Dec 16, 2021

Patreon backer Edwin brings you this special episode all about seasonal monsters -- in particular, the monsters of winter!

If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!

Order your physical copy of Lion...

Dec 13, 2021

Monstrous Manual is turning up a surprising number of new monsters that I actually quite like! Also there are fish.

If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!

Order your physical copy of Lion Rampant:...

Dec 9, 2021

Patreon backer Jake brings you -- and his pal Jam Norman -- this special episode all about monsters inspired by economic disruption, social prejudice and hurtful stereotypes. This one got a bit rambly.

If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content,...