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Monster Man

Oct 28, 2021

In lieu of our normal episodes about how to use monster books in your game, Patreon backer Tobias brings you this episode about how to ... use monster books in your game!

You can watch the livestream of our launch event here
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Oct 25, 2021

We continue our journey through the elementals section of Monstrous Manual as we look at the pech and the sandling. 
You can watch the livestream of our launch event here
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my...

Oct 21, 2021

Patreon backer Noah brings you this special episode all about repelling the foul spawn of the grave!
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!

Oct 18, 2021

Our journey through the elementals section continues as we finish off the proper elementals and get into some elementalish creatures.

I know I said I would put a link to my talk here, but I don't have one yet.
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new...

Oct 14, 2021

We dive into a new category of monsters with a look at the elementals section of the Monstrous Manual.

If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!