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Monster Man

Apr 29, 2022

I think I spelled that right from memory.
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Apr 26, 2022

Bugs. Bugs!
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!

Apr 22, 2022

We're back with more recurring monsters! So they, in a sense, are also back.
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!

Apr 19, 2022

Two everyday creatures star in today's episode!
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!

Apr 13, 2022

This special episode is going up a day early because I have a plane to catch. In it, Patreon backer Mairi asks me to take a look at some monsters from the Chinese fantasy genre xianxia! It really wound up being more about game concepts, but oh well.

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