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Monster Man

Apr 30, 2020

Our lone monster for this episode is the yeth hound, another ghostly hound from British folklore. 
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!
Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The...

Apr 29, 2020

Patreon backer David brings you this bonus episode about our animal friends!
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!
Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip...

Apr 27, 2020

It's another episode full of weird alien monsters -- enjoy!
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!
Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the...

Apr 23, 2020

Two great big worms round out the W chapter of Monster Manual II!
If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!
Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from...

Apr 20, 2020

Another weird tree monster and a wolf monster that loves making sweet music bring us closer to the end of the W chapter in today's episode!

If you're enjoying the show, why not consider supporting it on Patreon? You'll get access to lots of new bonus content, including my other podcast, Patron Deities!
Thanks to Ray...